Episode #171 - Parachuting Attorneys

Bill Kanasky, Jr., Ph.D. talks about attorneys who "parachute" into a case late. These parachuting situations are happening more often, especially when the excess carrier gets involved and brings in their heavy hitter, but the geographic and culture differences of an outsider can have a material impact on jurors. It is possible for parachuting attorneys to win over a jury but there are some very specific things that must be taken into consideration by the outside attorney: 

1. Be authentic - Do not try to appropriate the local geography/culture (e.g. east coast attorneys should not wear cowboy boots if they are trying a case in Texas or Montana). Be cognizant of cultural differences such as the speed at which they speak, etc.; 

2. Be passionate; jurors want passion from the attorneys representing both parties;

3. Be respectful; do not talk down to the jury;

4. Utilize local counsel; local counsel needs to play a significant role in the case because it will help with diversifying the team. It's important to not have a table full of attorneys from outside the venue.