Successful plaintiff attorneys in litigation, particularly in commercial disputes, exhibit unique traits that distinguish and empower them to advoca...
In the complex realm of litigation, every angle and strategy is meticulously examined and often debated. Among the multiple tactics employed by lega...
Various factors affect the psychology involved in jury decision-making, including storytelling techniques, the personalities and moods of the witnes...
Commonly, Judicial Hellholes® have been defined as areas in which laws and procedures tend to be applied in an unfair and unbalanced manner. Typical...
Properly preparing witnesses for their testimony is crucial to ensure positive outcomes. As witness performance can significantly impact settlements...
Plaintiff's attorneys have evolved to become far more aggressive when compared with most defense attorneys, particularly given the emergence of incr...
Often, when an individual is tasked with making a decision, they tend to rely too heavily on an initial piece of information, referred to as the anc...